Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Success With Pay It Forward 4 Profits

When you think of Pay it Forward 4 Profits what do you automatically think of? MLM maybe, Pyramid Scheme maybe, or just another get rich quick scheme?
Well I assure you that Pay it forward 4 Prfits is not a get rich quick scheme. It requires hard work and dedication.
When you join pay it forward 4 profits you automatically think that you dont have to do much except for maybe set up a website or two easy right? Wrong...Actually you don't do all that technical stuff Paul and Joel set up your websites for you, how easy is that and he does it all free, Both Paul and Joel also gives you free training. Training that would cost thousands and Thousands of dollars and they do it for free
But I do ask You When Starting Your Own Business, How far are you willing to go? Are
you willing to put hard work in to building up your Business, or are you one of those that
you want others to do your work for you?
Are You willing to put some money into building up your business, or do you want it all for free?
Let me ask you this if you were going to start an offline business, would you be able to do that
for free? Answer: "Of Course Not" So why should having an online business be free?
Are you willing to learn new things when it comes to runing your own business or you one of those who knows everything? Are you a go getter ,
Or are you lazy and you want other people to do all the work for you?
Well Let me tell you that in order, to be associated with PIF4P you need to realize that in the long run this business will pay off in the long run, but when you are new you have to do alot of work in order for it to pay off, Like do everything that Paul and Joel tell you to do, It is imortant not to pretend that you know everything, If you are one of those who you think Knows Everything, then you have lost already.
I would suggest that you have only one teacher, meaning Paul and Joel, I would Suggest that you join as manay affiliate programs as you can, like
1 Global Domains international for just 10 dollars a month you you can earn an awesome risdeual commission and if you join now Global domains will help you get your first 3 sign ups and you will be well on your way to earning immately
2. Join Success University for just $2.00 you can join Sucess University and you can learn how to be an online success in just a
short time and also with success University you can have Your Leads 4 Life you never have to buy leads ever!!!
3. Start building your list Now with Response Magic I tell you now that you will Need to an auto responder you cant possibly Keep up with all the emails daily that you will have to send out. The Auto responder is the meat of your business, I will say to you now that if you do have auto responder than you are just building someone elses list and not your own.
4. Traffic Exchange programs are also a must, those are the programs that you can advertise your business with, Traffic Swarm is an Awesome Place to start I have a traffic swarm account and I just love that account it has turned into my best friend I try and join as many traffic exchanges as I can. You can start off for free, But I would suggest upgrading your account, What are the Benifits to upgrading your traffic Swarm well You get 50% more credits for surfing and you more credits for just signing on. Every month you 2500 free credits for advertising and also can actually get paid a risdeial income for signing people on, You can also partake in an awesome program called traffic Swarm Busted wher you can make 60,000 credits each month to go toward your advertising.
5. Traffic Oasis another Awesome Program you can sign up for free as well, But unless you upgrsde your membership you really can not partake in all its benifits if You upgrade right Now you get a free autoresponder and you can choose the amount of free leads that you wish to recieve with your upgrade. You can litterly Make tons of Money just from upgrading to member in your Traffic Oasis
6. Direct Matches is aso also another free program that you can partake in as well Direct Matches will litterally match you up with thousands and thousands of People doing what you are doing Actually I have gotten some of my sign ups just from Direct Matches I have contact with over 100.000 Business contact with just Direct Matches alone, ALso you want to atleast upgrade to the Managing IR Account which is $19.95 a month and also you can make a commission from all the people you get to sign up.
7. AdLandPro You will want to sign up with these people for free I have an account with them and could not be happier with Adlandpro I litterly am Bring in 300 hits perweek. You can also join their traffic exchange program it is free and now for signing up you will recieve 500 free credits,
I am also going to suggest that you go to all or as many Confrence Meetings as you can all voice meeting are held on the phone. I would also suggest if you need to go to them over and over and over again this helps you to help others in thier training. If you have any questions you can certainly ask questions any question not asked is a dumb question.
I also go by the saying of Yoda (Star Wars) "There is No Try" There is only Do or Do not
If you come into this business with "well I can always try it " Then you will Fail the only thing that should be on your mind is do, do, do Never Try. Try is a curse word and should never be used.
When I came into Pay it forward 4 Profits I was given a awesome sponsor He is still teaching me, But He recommended to go this one site and download this movie it is called the Secret....Anwesome Movie that is Very Vital to your success I watch every chance I get And I am going to suggest that very same movie You Must watch it for your Success Please Visit and pay the 4.95 to view the Movie online once you pay for it you can watch
it anytime you want.

I also join as Many traffic Exchange Programs as I can You will need to constanly Advertise your business and you can do that when Signing up for these Exchange programs Most of these programs off a an Affiliate Program so that along with advertising your business You can get paid for it How Awesome is that!!! Pretty Cool I Think

I hope This Helps helps people to get a better Idea of running thier PIF4P Business

Written By Sue Davis
Dec. 30th 2006